
Israel Sunshine is not a new face in the industry, on the contrary, as part of the former duo Fur Coat has released in the most important labels as well as played all over the world! Originally from Venezuela, Israel Salazar better known as Israel Sunshine has been strongly influenced by his exploration in Europe during the last 2 decades since in 2000 he visited the island of Ibiza for the first time. From that moment he was developing his own sound from his base in Barcelona, ​​Spain, where he currently resides. Capturing and publishing in the most prominent labels of the world scene an approximate of more than 150 references between originals, remixes, LPs and compilations. Also known for his work on the world scene as part of the duo Fur Coat, he is a successful DJ and musician on constant international tour. MUSIC BY: ARTISANDO (Israel Sunshine) PAUL DUDAMEL DEMENZ DOORS OPEN: 11PM