
"Audiodise's production team strike again and completely transforms a theater into a music and party heaven by completely replacing the sound system with a ultra high end Adamson sound system disposed as a quadriphonic setup to be align to the highest audiophile standards. The setup in the venue will be etirely changed by suspending a DJ booth to the cieling and dropping it in the middle of the dancefloor for an exciting 360 experience so far unmatched in the city !" After some recent unlucky attemps at scoring some new ultra high end untouched venues, we finally comes back with another incredible space fittiing our standars: an elegant and flamboyant theater so far untouched by the underground scene and completely resigned for the occasion. For those who recognize the venue or have been there for a concert or theater piece, it will look nothing like what you experienced. From the entirely new sound system and decor to the DJ booth location, everything will be setup the way it will be for the first time ever. _____DJ BOOTH The DJ booth will litterally fall from the sky in the very middle of the dancefloor. Suspended by chains to the 12 meters high cieling, it won't touch the ground to avoid any kind of vibrations and allow the vinyl masters to work their magic. A proper 360° or "boiler room" setup as some like to call it with massive booth monitors from Mayer sound systems (8x15" subs & 4 speakers) for the DJs and the people around them to spend their best time. _____SOUND SYSTEM: A true audiphile paradise will be created by the wizards of Adamson sound systems. Yes, the team that setup our last Airclub edition for halloween. But this time they will leave the smaller Adamson metrix at home and pull out the bigger and more high end Adamson S10 series sound system that were used only once two years ago on the beach of El Prat during OFF SONAR for our very first edition of Audiodise. The difference is that there will not be only two towers in front of you but four of them disposed in X all around you and the DJs. The line array speakers will be disposed in stack directly on the wooden floor of the venue to enhance the feeling of the low frequencies. To make you feel the bass. The cuadriphonic sound system will be composed of eight 19" subwoofers, eight lows and sixteen line array double enclosure speakers. Apparently this was enough sound to setup a "5000 people outdoor electronic music concert" recently according to Adamson's sound ingeneers. What does it mean for us ? Well, bein in a nicely acousticly treated and soundproofed indoor music theater we won't even need to get close to the 100+db allowed in the venue to give you the perfect listening conditions. Your heart and brain will melt but your earn won't even be whisling ;) _____DECOR : For this edition we will definitely pull out the big artillery. Our aim is to connect to the roots of this emblematic venue and blend Studio 54 references and 90s Rave standars to fit the distinguish design and materials the theater is build with. Flying disco ball englihten in red, white and gold will be mixed with red RGB tubes and warm and elegant hallogenes concert lights surrounding and suspended above the dancing crowd. Thanks to the dispoition of the dance podiums on the floor as well as the presence baloconies surrounding the dancefloor, we will bring back this feeling proper to the 70s and 80s disco clubs and 90s rave's when you always see people dancing and sending you positive energy no matter where you look at. You will have the feeling to be part of the same entity, like a rave stadium impulsed by the DJs at the center of it. TIMETABLE 20:30-23:30 Charonne 23:30-00:30 Sweely (live) 00:30-03:00 Giammarco Orsini b2b Dr. Banana 360° DANCEFLOOR & DJ BOOTH SETUP SOUND SYSTEM - DANCEFLOOR: STACKED ADAMSON S10 SERES LINE ARRAY SOUND SYSTEMS DISPOSED IN CUADRPHONIC w. 8 19" SUBS, 8 LOWS & 16 SPEAKERS - BOOTH & SURROUNDINGS: STACKED MAYER SOUND w. 4 15" SUBS & 4 SPEAKERS 1x SURROUND BALCONY ABOVE THE DANCEFLOOR 3x FLOORSTANDING RAVE PODIUMS BOARDING: 20:30 LANDING: 03:00 ACCESS: Parralel 62, Barcelona CLOAKROOM available on site ALL EXIT IS DEFINITIVE Please respect the tickets times: EVERY ENTRY LATER THAN THE HOUR MENTIONNED ON THE TICKET WILL BE CHARGE AT THE DOOR