Breakeven Productions: Yanaa, Swoozydolphin [Detroit]


breakeven productions is moved to reveal that detroit's own yanaa and swoozydolphin will be making the journey from the d to the d this coming june 8th, thoughtfully supported with a live set from local melody artisan s.t3v. yanaa is a talented rapper, known for both her solo work and collaborations with fellow detroiters tayloe and mikalani jani as TMT. previously, she hosted a series of "completely" open mic nights for detroit artists of all varieties. her debut album "dreamscape" was among my favorites of 2023: she'll be hopping on the mic to headline the night with a live performance of her music. producer and dj swoozydolphin is visiting denver for the second time after serving as direct support for the now-legendary hitech show in april 2023 (incidentally the first-ever breakeven production). since then, he's released about a thousand mixes in his "thirdspace" series (here's one that came out on my birthday:, a couple hot remixes, and collaborated extensively with yanaa. he'll be performing a solo dj set, then get back on the decks to back yanaa up for her set. s.t3v does more things than i can list here, and excels at all of them. they'll be playing a solo live set with a mic, a laptop, and a couple guitars. if you don't already know, it might be kind of cool to go in blind, but you can get acquainted via their bandcamp here: Expectations: We have less than zero tolerance for bullshit, and will not think twice about removing anyone causing a problem for performers, fellow attendees, or the general well-being of the evening. Mind your own, look out for others. for more follow