
Desencontrados mas nunca perdidos, voltamos este ano desta vez com uma edição indoor de 8h de bailarico, dia 6 Maio O evento irá se realizar no espaço NAV (Núcleo Alexandria Viva). Equipado com bengaleiro e várias zonas de chill out. LINE-UP: Catrema Chupacabra Soundsystem Lelie Amens Moldetek Quasar Sistema de som a cargo da Antidote Crew Morada: NAV - Campo Pequeno, 79 Lisboa. Aniversariantes de dia 6 e 7 de maio não pagam entrada, mediante documento que comprove. À porta é necessário fazer um cartão de sócio do NAV que tem um custo de 1€ na compra do bilhete. EN Mismatched but never lost, we are back this year with an indoor edition of 8h of bailarico, on the 6th May The event will take place in the space NAV (Núcleo Alexandria Viva). Equipped with a cloakroom and several chill out areas for those who want to rest their legs a bit. LINE-UP: Catrema Chupacabra Soundsystem Lelie Amens Moldetek Quasar Sound system powered by Antidote Crew Address: NAV - Campo Pequeno, 79 Lisbon. Birthday parties on the 6th and 7th of May are free of charge, with document proving this. At the door it is necessary to get a NAV member card, which has a cost of 1€ at the ticket purchase. LINE-UP: Catrema Chupacabra Soundsystem Lelie Amens Moldetek Quasar Sound system by Antidote Crew Lights by Waxxel Address: NAV - Campo Pequeno, 79 Lisbon. Birthday parties on the 6th and 7th of May are free of charge, with document proving this. At the door it is necessary to get a NAV member card, which has a cost of 1€ at the ticket purchase.