
On the third of February we celebrate our second birthday in the best way possible as we welcome Torino collective, outcast’s Cristian Sarde making our London debut. Alongside Crtistian we will be rolling with a heavy support cast including Nuaces de Nuit affiliate and one half of Sel & C, Selig playing b2b alongside our very own Ollie Blunt, as well as additional residents Ben Lucas, Curby and Harold. Based in Essex, known as “Noir.” now beginning to migrate under our sister brand Negruve. We are truly excited to bring our imprint to the city and what a way to kick things of as we take over the waiting room providing a unique opportunity to see our favourite selectors in a beautiful intimate setting. As always; WE HAVE A O TOLERANCE TO ANY ABUSIVE, HARASSING OR DISCRIMINATORY BEHAVIOUR. PARTY SAFE, LOOK AFTER ONE AND OTHER, HAVE A LOVELY BLOODY EVENING. 18+ no ID no entry. No flash on the dancefloor. Any remaining tickets being sold on the door will be priced at £20 so we do politely suggest purchasing tickets in advance
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