
TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCE ! ! FRENCH VERSION BELOW ! It’s a dog’s life ! What started as the dumbest joke of the 21st century eventually turned into the goodest bois dog pack. Even though your top dogs never really grew up, we’ve been going through a lot since the YouTube days. Today, as we lit our 5th candle, we’re happy to invite you to the celebrations that will take place on the 26/08 in our beloved Péniche Cinéma - from 2pm until « l’heure des poules » (editor’s note: late) The more, the merrier as they say: for the special occasion, we’re bringing two close friends, selectors, entrepreneurs etc… - you guessed it, amazing people. Starting with the man that hates deep house: GMS. The Gui Marty Sound. Or Myrta. Many names that resonate with intelligent music, smart moves, and most importantly a contagious happy mood (well, sometimes). Jokes aside, Myrta has been a huge influence for the whole pack: we are eager to hear him play his music and spend great times again with our friend. Our next guest is part of this weird alien community coming from the North: Nifa. We’ve had the pleasure to hear her solid tunes many times before, most notably during the latest Reboot rave we had the pleasure to co-organize, where she stole the spotlight - for all the best reasons. We cannot wait to hear again what she has in her bag for us, and you should be excited too. The rest of the music will be handled by dogs - tall, small, bald or bearded, they will be out. Onto the serious biz now - we’re entrepreneurs don’t forget: Joining the pack implies being the bestest boi/gurl. For this reason, we expect all of our guests to have a top behaviour. We are all sad to hear our friends feeling unsafe when we party in big 2023 - and we want to make sure it does not happen during the whole duration of the celebration. Any form of bigotry such as homophobia, racism, sexism, unsolicited / inappropriate touching on our guests will directly lead to a big kick in the butt and out the club. If you think you’re fun, you’re not - the dogs are out to party, but not the idiots. We count on you folks ! TICKETS: 13€ A limited amount of tickets will also be available at the door, a classic first come first serve. We won’t be sorry when it will be full, a special limited capacity will be set in place for the comfort of all. Take your ticks, avoid the fomo and join us for this very special one. It’s coming very soon, and we hope to see you all ! FRENCH VERSION: Azy t’as pas fait Anglais LV1 avec Mme Guillaume en 2nde4 ? La seule chose qui nous tient a coeur de traduire c’est le caractère indispensable de la bonne conduite que l’on attend de vous. On a tous le seum d’entendre régulièrement nos ami(e)s se plaindre de comportements d’abrutis en soirée en 2023. Ca fait très pub pour une banque, mais agissons ensemble pour construire une fête responsable. Si vous venez pour faire la fête, sachez que y’aura pas la place pour aucun comportement déplacé: l’homophobie, le racisme, le sexisme et toute forme d’attouchement non consentis, c’est ciao dehors. On veut que tout le monde puisse profiter de ce moment dans les meilleures conditions, et ça passe par un top comportement de tous. La fête oui, l’idiotie non. Big woof y’all