
✨🎶 This 13th of December, we will bring you the hottest winter party in Paris! 💖 🎁Lucy Draw games go win Hermès🐎&Prada Everyone who comes to the party will have the chance to participate in the Lucy draw game! Try to win the our best prizes which is a Prada bag, and the special prize is a set of exquisite Hermès gifts.🍹 And there is also tons of games to win the special alcohol drinks of coco night 😉 ✨🎶 Ticket includes 1 cocktail 🎶✨ 冬日絮语,电音织梦。12月13,wonderwall 携手 Up Event 为你营造一个让人心跳加速、沉浸梦境的派对之夜。 一场专属于冬夜的电音之旅,浓情可可与温暖拥抱的交融!💖 🎁浓情可可,赢专属爱马仕🐎或Prada! 所有到场客人均有机会参与抽奖一次,可可之夜特等奖为Prada包包一个!一等奖为爱马仕精美礼品一套。以及各种多小惊喜等你来拿! 🌟浓情可可,今夜无No环节: 「在光影交错间,我可否轻轻拥你入怀?」 寻找场内Npc, 与其对暗语“我可以抱你吗?不可说No哦!”如果对方回答yes, 即温暖拥抱3秒。如果对方回答No,即刻抽奖赢得限量特调饮浓情可可威士忌一杯或神秘小礼物一份🍹,机会有限,每人只有一次机会,先到先得哦! “可可之夜·我可以抱你吗?” 不仅是音乐与热舞的盛宴,更是一次温暖与爱的表达。这个12月与你共赴这场甜蜜狂欢! ✨🎶 所有门票包含鸡尾酒 1杯 HARD Techno EDM Melodic Techno
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