
ReSolute welcomes back Ivan Smagghe for a day (or night) extended set on a Sunday. We're still working out timing details, but will announce soon! Ivan has the ability to play music like a raw conduit between his famously obscure records and the dance floor's strobe-soaked bodies, injecting something of himself seamlessly into.. France's most wanted radio host and selector, Ivan Smagghe stands at the crossroads between glamorous parisian hype and musical integrity. His genre defying/defining production work originally in Black Strobe and now in It’s A Fine Line (who have recently finished Battant's second LP, As I Ride with No Horse) has connected him to and garnered the praise of (amongst others) James Murphy, Trevor Jackson, Ata, Optimo and the aforementioned Weatherall. All fellow crusaders in the fight to prove that electronic music can be so much more than a one dimensional soundtrack for a night on the lash.