
Acierate. [ˈæsɪəˌreɪt]. Verb (transitive). To convert (iron) into steel. That is at least what the Oxford English Dictionary might tell you if you searched for the meaning of this word. If you’d ask any raver from European Techno hotspots nowadays, like Berlin, Paris or Barcelona, who haven’t been hiding under rocks for the past few years, they might give you a different definition. They might tell you a story. A story about a DJ they can’t forget. A DJ who provided them with sonic experiences in a class of their own. Thursday, August 17th, Acierate for the first time in Portugal - Acierate | Germany - Constantinos | France - Mudwud - Hana Fideli Location: Ministerium Club | Praça do comercio Ala Nascente terreiro do paço, 72 and 73 - Lisboa Door opening: 23:59 Closing: 08:00 Tickets are limited, *online tickets from 10 to 20 euros *at the door for 20 euros (if not sold out online) This is a judgment-free party. ** Respect everyone, we do not tolerate any act of discrimination or violence. #Riktus #HardSpirits