
Darkroom Presents: Convergence Get ready for a sonic odyssey as we bring together two worlds of sound in one unforgettable night! On June 20th, our Darkroom transforms into a dual-stage playground, where the darkest techno landscapes converge with the most electrifying UKG, breaks, and drum and bass. Convergence is more than just a party - it's an immersive experience designed to transport you to a world of pure sound and energy. Our darkroom is your playground, where music is the only light that guides you. Stage 1: UKG/BREAKS/DNB - Erratik - Kl3vr - Travauk - Legacy Stage 2: Techno - Casska - Yonkers - Testkit 9pm - 1:45am | June 20th Join the Darkroom community and be a part of something special. Let's converge and create a night to remember!