Concert tickets

A Rhizomatic Manifesto of Dissidence Concept Overview: Echoes of a Fractured Order is a multimedia performance that embodies the concept of the rhizome, inspired by the theories of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. The performance develops without a predetermined hierarchy or center, just like a rhizome, which expands in all directions through unpredictable connections. The effector-laden clarinet and modular synth intertwine in a fluid and decentralized sonic dialogue, generating a continuous, fragmented soundscape that reflects the idea of a reality composed of multiple truths, constantly evolving. Rhizome: In Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy, a rhizome is a non-hierarchical, interconnected structure that defies a single point of origin or centralization. It allows for multiple, unpredictable points of entry and growth, representing a metaphor for fluid, decentralized networks. Experience Description: In this performance, the processed clarinet and modular synth create a non-hierarchical sonic fabric, devoid of a clear beginning or end—mirroring the rhizome, described by Deleuze and Guattari as an acentric and interconnected structure. The soundscape evolves through live improvisations, where every sound is free to emerge and dissolve without following a linear path. Each note manifests as part of a dynamic assemblage, where acoustic and electronic components coexist in a fluid network of interconnections. Connection to Anarchy and Dissidence: Inspired also by the decentralized anarchy of Pëtr Kropotkin, Echoes of a Fractured Order embodies the idea of distributed power, where no central authority governs the sound. The performance embraces the concept of dissidence, breaking away from traditional musical structures and presenting itself as an act of rebellion against centralized sonic systems. Just as the rhizome challenges the hierarchical model of the tree, Echoes of a Fractured Order subverts expectations, opening new spaces for creation and improvisation. Conclusion: Echoes of a Fractured Order is not just a musical performance, but an act of artistic resistance that embraces the complexity, fluidity, and unpredictability of the rhizome. At the Dissident Club, the performance stands as a manifesto for dissidence, exploring new sonic territories and breaking with conventions to create a unique and decentralized experience. 15/10 at 9 PM 58 RUE RICHER 75009 PARIS