
Sobre nosotros
Sat, July 29, 2023 Doors 10PM Advance Tickets on sale now. Wata Igarashi is one of the lead­ing fig­ures of Japan­ese tech­no, emerg­ing from the country’s deep rela­tion­ship with elec­tron­ic music. ​‘Cos­mic dra­ma’ sums up Igarashi’s sound, con­vey­ing the unique com­bi­na­tion of pow­er and psy­che­delia that defines his work. Igarashi’s approach reflects a cer­tain Japan­ese aes­thet­ic, a recog­ni­tion of the force and beau­ty that comes from pay­ing care­ful atten­tion to details, mak­ing sure every­thing is exact­ly as it should be. His pro­duc­tions are pre­cise­ly engi­neered for max­i­mum impact, with Igarashi’s sig­na­ture arpeg­gios stand­ing out on the dance­floor. This men­tal­i­ty is equal­ly present in his DJ sets and live per­for­mances, where his tight mix­ing and con­trol over fre­quen­cies cre­ate a potent blend of ener­gy and emo­tion. Hav­ing released on labels includ­ing Fig­ure, Seman­ti­ca, Time to Express, The Bunker NY, Omni­disc, Bit­ta, and Midgar, Igarashi has been devel­op­ing his own WIP plat­form as an out­let for his music. His remix­ing tal­ents are in high demand, with his ver­sion of Auro­ra Halal being a stand­out, appear­ing in RA’s top tracks of 2019. From his home base in Tokyo, Igarashi reg­u­lar­ly tours across the globe, con­tin­u­ing to explore and refine his sin­gu­lar vision of elec­tron­ic music. // Club Level // Wata Igarashi (Tokyo) Koh // Green Room // Evan Baggs (Berlin) Enzo // Flash Bar // DURFY renai Be Ezy _________________________________ ⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶ Flash Safe Space Policy ⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶ Flash stands firmly against non-consensual behavior, discrimination, harassment or harm of any kind. If you or a friend feels uncomfortable, please let a Flash team member know ~ our staff is trained to take action and assist. And always remember, no photos/videos on the dance floors for the sake of the vibe! ❤️
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