The Key Paris presents : New Year After Party
The Key Paris presents : New Year After Party

The Key Paris presents : New Year After Party

Cet évènement est terminé
218 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu mer 1 janv. 2020
8 Boulevard de la Madeleine, 75009 Paris, France
Cet évènement est terminé


What about starting the year with the biggest after party in town ? 👯 On the occasion of the NYE's, The Key Paris extend the party till very very late. 🎉 See you on Wednesday in the early morning for an unforgettable after party! 🍾 Let's dance, party and drink together from 5AM till 12AM ! 🎊 🔑 LINE UP << David Reyner << Simo Jettou << BeVibes (Ankhoï, Omar Benchèk, EKYLL) ⏳ FREE PASS ON SHOTGUN << Shotgun : << XCEED : 👣 VIP HOST & TABLES 👣 << +33 6 69 7279 79 💪 JOIN THE CREW 💪 FACEBOOK : INSTAGRAM:

Line up

Organisé par

La Nuit Paris
5 276 abonné·e·s
8 évènements
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8 Boulevard de la Madeleine, 75009 Paris, France