Anexo show-case
Anexo show-case

Anexo show-case

par Anexo
Cet évènement est terminé
A eu lieu dim 20 nov. 2022
Arroz Estúdios
Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 1900-319 Lisboa, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


Abdulla A, ROY and Bernardo Vaz are the guests who will join us for the November 19th showcase at Arroz Estúdios.

 Long story - short, Abdulla A co-founder of Mineral Records, ROY Dreamticket’s head , and Bernardo Vaz local DJ and scene shaker.

 Indoor (winter) and comfy set up, a fully prepared bar to get you hidrate and amazing wood fire pizza in the making. * tickets will also be available at the door ( 10€ + 3€ association fee - 1 year duration ) Get involved | criar para proporcionar |

Line up

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adult standards


Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 1900-319 Lisboa, Portugal