Berlin Finest x Uncertain PART 2
Berlin Finest x Uncertain PART 2

Berlin Finest x Uncertain PART 2

ven 19 juil. De 23:00 à 10:00
Club OST
Alt-Stralau 1-2, 10245 Berlin, Germany



20,00 €


🔁 Réserve ton billet dès maintenant. En cas de besoin, tu pourras le revendre sur Shotgun !
Si tu changes d’avis, tu peux revendre ton billet en toute sécurité sur l’app Shotgun.


Get ready for the second round of the Berlin Finest and Uncertain collaboration! This time, we're once again bringing some of the best in the industry, many of whom have never or very rarely performed in Berlin as we stands to be unique and offer best exclusivity to our guests. Everyone is welcome till respects basic rules. Tickets holders will have priority to the venue in separated line from the box office! - we don’t tolerate any form of harassment in that case report directly to the security - no GHB tolerance, in that case you will face ban and official report! - please don’t accept drugs & drinks from strangers and also no drugs dealing allowed. If you feel unwell please come to the closest bar or to the security where our team will take further steps to help you. Awareness team is provided and will be around whole night! If you get rejected you have 24hours to reclaim your refund for ticket over RA customer support!

Line up

Organisé par

Berlin Finest
Berlin Finest
9 abonné·e·s
1 évènement
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Alt-Stralau 1-2, 10245 Berlin, Germany