BIZZARRUA W/ Francesca Lombardo
BIZZARRUA W/ Francesca Lombardo

BIZZARRUA W/ Francesca Lombardo

Cet évènement est terminé
58 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu dim 4 déc. 2022
Rua do Açúcar 52, 1950-009 Lisboa, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


BIZZARRUA - 1ST ANNIVERSARY SATURDAY DECEMBER 3RD. One year ago, we founded Bizzarrua (FashionArtMusicBar), and hey, what a journey we've had.  All year music has been a huge part of our identity, so for this day we prepared something really special to celebrate with our closest friends. Pop the Champagne and come join Us in a special location, that’s going to be opening its door for the first time. Wear your most bizarre outfit and prepare to dance all night long. DJ LINE UP —— Francesca Lombardo DEDE Avikal Doors open at 22:00, and #FORTHOSEWHODARETOBETHEMSELVES well be selecting the winner for the most bizarre outfit. Drop by ou store at BECO DA ROSA, 2D…. if you need help We can't wait to see you there! Info & Booking +351 964162497

Line up

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Rua do Açúcar 52, 1950-009 Lisboa, Portugal