ReSolute Presents: Can You Jigit?
ReSolute Presents: Can You Jigit?

ReSolute Presents: Can You Jigit?

Cet évènement est terminé
271 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu dim 23 avr. 2023
1090 Wyckoff Ave, Ridgewood, NY 11385, USA
Cet évènement est terminé


April 22nd, save the date!!! Warriors of sound come out to play, this time around we got something special on Earth Day! Peoples of planet earth crossing lands and seas, we come together for the yearly gather in our beloved New York City. Stay tuned to hear what what we’ll bring, for now just plan ahead to keep your booty shaking on this wonderful weekend in spring. Adi Aline Umber (live) Chuwee Dan Andrei Dandy Jack & The Latin Lava (live) Dawidu Eli Verveine Eris Garrett David Harry Mccanna Markus Sommer Maxime DB Melchior Productions ltd. (live) Pano Paul Desenne (live) People People (live) O.BEE Ohm Hourani (live) S. Moreira & Band (live) Salar Ansari Tomas Station Yantra (Live) Can You Jigit?

Line up

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10 évènements
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1090 Wyckoff Ave, Ridgewood, NY 11385, USA