DJs&Cocktails - MT Field, Artemios Trigo
DJs&Cocktails - MT Field, Artemios Trigo

DJs&Cocktails - MT Field, Artemios Trigo

Cet évènement est terminé
A eu lieu sam 27 janv.
Bar Conceptica . Lisboa
Largo Trindade Coelho 1 2, 1200-365 Lisboa, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


DJs&Cocktails is a collaboration of the new event agency "MRIYA Com" with a conceptual bar in the center of Lisbon. The series of parties at the end of 2023 proved successful, attracting the attention of residents and guests of the city. Become part of our community of connoisseurs of quality music and positive vibes.

Line up

Organisé par

MRIYA Community
Mriya Community
11 abonné·e·s
1 évènement
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Largo Trindade Coelho 1 2, 1200-365 Lisboa, Portugal