

Du lun 12 août à 22:06
Au mar 13 août à 22:06
R. Conselheiro Miguel Dantas 25, 4940-441 Paredes de Coura, Portugal


Full-Ticket (pre-sale)

12,00 €


Day 1 (pre-sale)

Catarina Silva , MIMI , Mind Archives
8,00 €


Day 2 (pre-sale)

Amulador , Press, Ricky Cross , TM , V0LTT
8,00 €


Full-ticket (late ticket)

15,00 €
Bientôt en vente
En vente le 11 août

Day 1 (late ticket)

10,00 €
Bientôt en vente
En vente le 11 août

Day 2 (late ticket)

10,00 €
Bientôt en vente
En vente le 11 août
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Damnation are holding its second date of 2024 with a two-day chapter in Paredes de Coura, Portugal. The village of Paredes de Coura will host the Vodafone Paredes de Coura Festival in Portugal's most beautiful amphitheatre, so let's get ready at the Xapas Sessions Room to start one of the best weeks of our lives full of energy. We'll be welcoming the two main pillars that moulded us and inviting national artists who represent the Portuguese electronic scene very well. During the journey we'll share the different interpretations of the pieces exhibited by Rita Verissimo . We couldn't be happier!

Line up

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1 évènement
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R. Conselheiro Miguel Dantas 25, 4940-441 Paredes de Coura, Portugal