DAY RAVE * ladies on wax * ONE YEAR
DAY RAVE * ladies on wax * ONE YEAR

DAY RAVE * ladies on wax * ONE YEAR

Me prévenir
A eu lieu sam 27 avr.
1090 Wyckoff Ave, Ridgewood, NY 11385, USA
Me prévenir


For the past year, Ladies On Wax has been dedicated to uplifting and empowering female-identifying artists who are passionate about vinyl DJing. We exist to uplift and empower these artists who specifically specialize in vinyl, an art form often overlooked in today's digital age. We believe in preserving and celebrating the tradition of vinyl DJing while fostering a supportive community for women in the industry. By providing a platform for their unique talents and voices, we aim to defy stereotypes and promote inclusivity within the music scene. Through our events, collaborations, and initiatives, we strive to assure that the underground continues to thrive, with women at the forefront <3 Join us for an ALL DAY RAVE, SUN UP TO SUNDOWN @ h0l0 <3

Line up

Organisé par

Ladies On Wax
Ladies On Wax
4 abonné·e·s
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1090 Wyckoff Ave, Ridgewood, NY 11385, USA