Deep Dive DC (All Vinyl) - TV HILL
Deep Dive DC (All Vinyl) - TV HILL

Deep Dive DC (All Vinyl) - TV HILL

Cet évènement est terminé
A eu lieu dim 25 févr.
The Pocket
1508 North Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 20002, USA
Cet évènement est terminé


Deep Dive welcomes TV HILL for February's edition of our free series. Longtime friends dimneonsum & OG AG, (former DC-10 resident) come together to meet as their newly found duo, TV HILL. Coming off their recently released Whats Up Everybody EP on their identically named imprint, TV HILL Records, we're excited to showcase the pair's prowess and artistry with an all-vinyl evening affair. Celebrating a weekend of natal day festivities, our resident Ramos will be on warm up duties with a bag full of fresh goodies. As always, free entry. Arrive early, stay late. Let's dive...

Line up

Organisé par

Deep Dive DC
Deep Dive Dc
57 abonné·e·s
1 évènement
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1508 North Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 20002, USA