Domicile & TheBlueSoloCup Present: TRON
Domicile & TheBlueSoloCup Present: TRON

Domicile & TheBlueSoloCup Present: TRON

Cet évènement est terminé
273 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu dim 4 juin 2023
Domicile Miami
6391 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33150, USA
Cet évènement est terminé


"TRON" will transport guests to the world of the Grid, with neon lights and sleek decor inspired by the film's iconic visuals. The first hour will feature classic 80's hits, paying homage to the original Tron. As the night progresses, the music will transition to high-energy trance and techno sounds, creating a futuristic and immersive atmosphere.

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Sean Martin Iser
Sean Martin Iser
37 abonné·e·s
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6391 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33150, USA