Billets de concert

À propos
For its second show at Dover Street Market Paris, End Times Echoes invite you to a nostalgic escape, making room for feelings, embracing the deep yet sometimes mysterious taste of sonic resonance within our skin. With his instrumental project combining ambient and electronica, @kahnji awakens the soundscapes of forgotten emotions. His song titles read like texts sent to a lover or love notes left on a bedside table. Yet, the bitterness of loneliness can feel less heavy with the poetic arrangement of his music. Celebrating genuine emotions with a nostalgic mix of vintage Linn drums, electric guitars, and synths, Berlin-based artist, singer and actress @listentobokeh creates cinematic soundscapes with her inimitable confessionnal voice. They’ll explore the emotional and temporal shifts in our lives, inviting us to a soulful live visual experience. SEPTEMBER 6, 20:00 - 22:00 Doors open at 20:00 @doverstreetmarketparis 35-37 Rue Des Franc-Bourgeois, Paris 75004 presented by @endtimesechoes Artists: @kahnji_ @listentobokeh
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