ERRØR WAREHOUSE SPECIAL / Jan Vercauteren / Bours? / X&trick
ERRØR WAREHOUSE SPECIAL / Jan Vercauteren / Bours? / X&trick

ERRØR WAREHOUSE SPECIAL / Jan Vercauteren / Bours? / X&trick

Me prévenir
A eu lieu sam 4 mars 2023
ORWOhaus e.V.
ORWOhaus e.V, Frank-Zappa-Straße 19, 12681 Berlin, Deutschland
Me prévenir


WAREHOUSE SPECIAL @ ORWOHaus There are limited tickets on RA. The ticket holders will have a different queue. Tickets don’t guarantee entry! We want to be a safe space, where everybody can be themselves! We expect everyone to provide such safe environment at all time and will immediately take action if that isn’t the case. Furthermore we don’t tolerate any form of racism / sexism / homophobia / transphobia or any other discrimination! We don’t tolerate GHB consumption! We will have an Awareness team in green vests, so feel free to ask for help if you feel unwell!

Line up

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ORWOhaus e.V, Frank-Zappa-Straße 19, 12681 Berlin, Deutschland