Explity X Vacance

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À propos
OUVERTURE DES PORTES : 00h30 French label Explity Music and Swiss label Vacance have joined forces to present this event at Petit Bain 01.02 from 00:30 to 06:00 After Vacance invited KimberlaID and Karlfroye to appear on their latest compilation : IHM Summer Hits 2024, members of Explity and members of Vacance have decided to join musical forces through this event in the infernal vortex of B2B. Get ready for a long night in the B2B maelstrom with : Nouminouw Rosell Kid KimberlaID Goffbaby Talita Otović Ukk0o0 Karlfroye Start the year with a lot of fresh music ♫♪ Hybrid hardcore enjoyers, hakken dancers, lasers lovers… you know where to go on February 1st, see you at Petit Bain ( 7 Port de la Gare, 75013 Paris ) We are looking for volunteers to join our SAFER TEAM more info in the form: https://forms.gle/F5pBP3D5ZV8UMMET7 PS : If you want to come but can't afford a ticket : dm Explity or Vacance - we have a few tickets to give to ravers in need ! Graphics by Claude Murder, Karlfroye & Lawenke ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Petit Bain est un lieu festif et accueillant. Il défend des valeurs d’égalité, de partage, de respect et de bienveillance. Toute l’équipe défend ces valeurs et nous invitons vivement que les publics, artistes et collaborateurs·rices du lieu en fassent de même. L'organisation ne tolère aucun comportement agressif, violent ou discriminant et se voit en possibilité d'entraîner le refus d'entrée ou l'expulsion (sans remboursements). - Interdit aux moins de 18 ans -