⚡️Intriga⚡️with our "RSVP only" house music experience in the heart of Wynwood. Taking place at the stunning @sha_wynwood , Boho Miami’s sister venue
This is your chance to witness the rise of the scene’s freshest talent. Groove to the sets of @raffaellarosemusic and @zuludj_mia two electrifying new artists redefining the afro house music scene in Miami.
The night culminates in a back-to-back set by resident maestros @
nactua.music and @santelisesry , delivering a masterful blend of deep, soulful, and percussive Afro House to close out the night.
Mystery. Music. Magic. Intriga is more than an event—it’s an experience. With its intimate vibe, SHA Wynwood transforms into a sanctuary for true music lovers.
Don’t just attend. Belong
Set times
11:00pm-11:45pm @raffaellarosemusic
11:45pm- 12:45am @zuludj_mia
12:45am-Close @
nactua.music b2b @santelisesry