K21 - Kalimodjo 21st Anniversary

K21 - Kalimodjo 21st Anniversary

Cet évènement est terminé
A eu lieu sam 4 févr. 2023
Av. Mar. Gomes da Costa 29 b1, 1950 Lisboa, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


K21 Kalimodjo 21st Anniversary with Andy C w/ Tonn Piper! First date of the huge Andy C w/ Tonn Piper's European tour! 3 hours of set that will make the track buzz like never before and you won't want to miss it! The Portuguese fleet also has signed credits and history! Nuno Forte, Groovekid and Zero Degrees! Well I guess we don't need to say anything else other than There's still time! Don't waste time! K21 2023

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1 évènement
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Av. Mar. Gomes da Costa 29 b1, 1950 Lisboa, Portugal