Kompound // Axel Picodot, Ayahuasca, Stx, Ophis [ Atd ], Flipnormals

Kompound // Axel Picodot, Ayahuasca, Stx, Ophis [ Atd ], Flipnormals

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171 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu dim 4 sept. 2022
The Bass Valley Studios
Passatge Can Polític, 13, 1B, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Cet évènement est terminé


KMPND 03.09 | AXEL PICODOT, AYAHUASCA, STX, OPHIS [ ATD ], FLIPNORMALS KOMPOUND returns to The Garage Of The Bass Valley on September 3rd with the hardest techno in Barcelona. For the first event of the season we have put together a lineup not suited for the feint hearted, including Axel Picodot, Ayahuasca, STX, OPHIS [ ATD ] and a 6 hour live visual show from flipnormals. Doors open at 01:00H. Are you going to miss it? Tickets now available.

Line up

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1 évènement
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Passatge Can Polític, 13, 1B, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain