Lagum | Dublin | Button Factory
Lagum | Dublin | Button Factory

Lagum | Dublin | Button Factory

Maintenant à 25,00 €
54 sont intéressé·e·s
jeu 3 avr. 2025 De 19:30 à 22:30
The Button Factory
Curved St, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland

Billets concert



Lot 1

Ticket not refundable.
25,00 €


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After releasing the album "After the End" - nominated for the Latin Grammy, with several sold-out dates in 2023 and a European tour, in 2024, Lagum continues on the road with the "Lagum Live" tour. "Our band was born on stage, and only then did we start recording music. What I want the most is to get people out of their homes to watch our show because that's when we're truly ourselves. On December 14th, we will release our first Live Album with the recording of our show in São Paulo, so you can already feel the energy of what's to come," says Pedro Calais, the band's vocalist. With a repertoire that includes Lagum's greatest hits and the songs that fans identify with the most, the performance celebrates the band's journey and demonstrates the energy of rock that is not always fully captured in studio versions. During the show, the band also allows for improvisation and includes the members' favorite songs.

Line up

Organisé par

Primeira Linha PT
Primeira Linha Pt
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7 évènements
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62 abonné·e·s
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Bossa Fm
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Curved St, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland