Lustre - Analytical Convenience
Lustre - Analytical Convenience

Lustre - Analytical Convenience

Cet évènement est terminé
A eu lieu sam 24 févr.
Praça Conde de Agrolongo 115, 4700-312 Braga, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


We are happy to announce our second event at Lustre, Braga. For this comeback to a city that is very dear to us, we’ve put together a lineup to showcase more artists from our collective. Come and join us on the next 23th of February. Artists: - BRNCHES - SEPTIMAL C - TVRS

Line up

Organisé par

Analytical Convenience
Analytical Convenience
4 abonné·e·s
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Praça Conde de Agrolongo 115, 4700-312 Braga, Portugal