Made in Lisboa by Dieze Invite Karakter Records

Made in Lisboa by Dieze Invite Karakter Records

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A eu lieu sam 16 avr. 2022
Level Eight Rooftop
Terraco, R. Castilho 14, 1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal
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Dièze invites you to dive into a magical, new tale rooftop experience in an unique location offering an breathtaking view over the amazing Lisbon.. Saturday 16 april we have the pleasure to invite for first Mqde in Lisboq one of most selective Electronic music crew of Lisboa Karakter records Line-up Pedro Martins Pedro Filipe

Line up

Organisé par

Fernando Matos
Fernando Matos
5 abonné·e·s
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melodic house


Terraco, R. Castilho 14, 1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal