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UR RECEIVING A MESSAGE FRM THE FUTURE: WELCUM 2 OBSIDIAN!!!!! Are you prepared to do goth be techno?! Bc NOW u have a reason to🖤😈🖤 THE FUTURE OF TECHNO ….. Mari Ferrari is bringing a wave of darkness for all the techno babes & goth bitchez!!! Are you tired of being surrounded by techno bros and ready to be around techno hoes??💜 Prepare urself for a GOTH LOOK PARTY and a night of FUTURISTIC TECHNO⛓️🖤 DRESS CODE: BLACK, SILVER, PURPLE. LOCAL FASHION VENDORZ- Thread Goldz / Pukey Kiss / Faerie Fire LOCAL DJ SUPPORT -   DEMXN DIVINE & Kween Kaysh GO-GOS - tommie darling / pennisu / honey zee A reminder that our events prioritize, marginalized communities, such as queer, POC, disabled, and SW’s. If you do not align yourself in any way or find yourself in support of these communities, this event is not for you! The future of techno is highlighting the underserved! Zero tolerance for any unwelcoming behavior. And as always, the only consent is verbal consent. Do not touch any other patrons, dancers or staff without explicit permission. Event is ADA Accessible