🦜 Palosanto: MITCH OLIVER (Kindisch/Hoomidaas)
🦜 Palosanto: MITCH OLIVER (Kindisch/Hoomidaas)

🦜 Palosanto: MITCH OLIVER (Kindisch/Hoomidaas)

Cet évènement est terminé
162 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu ven 4 févr. 2022
Lieu secret à Kings County 👻
Cet évènement est terminé


✨ FREE WITH RSVP - Your favorite Thursday is back with Palosanto ✨ 📅 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd | 7PM-2AM 📅 🦋 Join us at Her Name Was Carmen, with the talented Mitch Oliver behind the decks.🦋 🎶 MITCH OLIVER (Kindisch/Hoomidaas) - Montreal www.instagram.com/mitch.oliver_dj/ 🍸 For DRINKS (Get your RSVP ticket) 🥑 For DINNER (Book your table https://bit.ly/3HOdAQe ) Proof of vaccination required Limited capacity 21+

Line up

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Lieu secret à Kings County 👻
25 Meadow St, Brooklyn, NY 11206, USA