Reîa Presents: Castello Branco & Khalil Suleman
Reîa Presents: Castello Branco & Khalil Suleman

Reîa Presents: Castello Branco & Khalil Suleman

sam 6 juil. De 19:00 à 23:59
casa reîa
Praia da Cabana do Pescador, 2825-491 Costa da Caparica, Portugal


Early Bird

11,11 €


General Sales

22,22 €


Late Bloomers

33,33 €


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One Thursday a month, we welcome various talents to our beach stage, uniting friends for weekday gatherings that pay homage to the timeless art of concerts, inviting guests into the sacred act of listening. On July 6th, we welcome Castello Branco & Khalil Suleman to our beach home.

Line up

Organisé par

casa reîa
Casa Reîa
929 abonné·e·s
11 évènements
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Praia da Cabana do Pescador, 2825-491 Costa da Caparica, Portugal