Riktus with GI.O, Lethal Frame, NFK and Taxsh
Riktus with GI.O, Lethal Frame, NFK and Taxsh

Riktus with GI.O, Lethal Frame, NFK and Taxsh

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A eu lieu ven 19 mai 2023
Ministerium Club
Praça do Comércio 72, 1100-148 Lisboa, Portugal
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One of the things we love the most is bringing new artists to our stage, and this line-up is going to be something really different. 4 international guests who have been showing techno across Europe make their debut in Portugal. A night of Hard and Industrial the way we like it. Line-Up A-Z: Alberto Rinaldi (Italy) GI.O (Brasil) Lethal Frame (Italy) NFK (France) Taxsh Get your ticket now! #Riktus #HardSpirits

Line up

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Riktus Lisbon
Riktus Lisbon
165 abonné·e·s
1 évènement
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Praça do Comércio 72, 1100-148 Lisboa, Portugal