par Vulto
Cet évènement est terminé
88 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu sam 23 sept. 2023
Mourisca do Vouga, 3750 Águeda, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


Take a second. On the 23rd borns a new concept in our reality with simple purpose of inspire you. A get away from problems, from stress, a space were you can be you without barriers. Love, dance, breathe, close your eyes, just feel. Two stages, ambient & Techno merging the fast pace with calm designs extracted from nature. We're creating a space were artists can be artists, we're love can be given at is purist form, a place with acceptance. Take your shoes off, feel the ground and let your inner self connect. We will have artists from all over with completely different background with completely different talents and crafts, united has one to give you for 8 hours a complete sense of freedom. Also, for those who love to stretch before dancing we're having a Yoga class starting a 2PM. Line Up. (from A to Z) Backbone De la sounds FYZER Maria Callapez MJ Word b2b Cancela Give yourself a SEC. Breathe

Line up

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Mourisca do Vouga, 3750 Águeda, Portugal