Secret Service - Downtown Long Beach
Secret Service - Downtown Long Beach

Secret Service - Downtown Long Beach

Cet évènement est terminé
279 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu sam 8 juin
230 Pine Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA
Cet évènement est terminé


Friday June 7th we are officially kicking off our newest musical project - Secret Service ! A dive into the deeper cuts of house / disco / tech - for an unforgettable and intimae experience. We are going back to our roots as the true underground sound that started us off - speakeasy style. Where the music and the dancefloor is priority one. This is a limited space event so dont delay and reserve your spot now.

Organisé par

Secret Service Lbc
Secret Service Lbc
191 abonné·e·s
1 évènement
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230 Pine Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA