Sticky Plastik Halloween w Marlon Lopez and Marcelina Wick
Sticky Plastik Halloween w Marlon Lopez and Marcelina Wick

Sticky Plastik Halloween w Marlon Lopez and Marcelina Wick

Cet évènement est terminé
A eu lieu sam 28 oct. 2023
No90 Hackney Wick
90, 92, 94 Wallis Rd, London E9 5LN, UK
Cet évènement est terminé


Sticky Halloween with special guest Marlon Lopez and resident Marcelina Wick at the Hackney's favorite Number 90. Marlon Lopez who became known for his outselling releases for Ba Dum Tish is coming back to London for spooky Halloween👻 He will keep you ghostly entertained showcasing his unreleased production appearing on Sticky Plastik records next year. Not to forget mentioning an eerie early warm up by resident and founder of the label Marcelina Wick Grab your free tickets here 🚨 👇 (otherwise it's 5£ otd)

Line up

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Sticky Plastik
Sticky Plastik
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90, 92, 94 Wallis Rd, London E9 5LN, UK