Super Whoopee Beach Party
Super Whoopee Beach Party

Super Whoopee Beach Party

Cet évènement est terminé
287 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu dim 14 mai 2023
Estr. da Praia do Castelo, 2825-308 Costa da Caparica, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


Hi Cuties 💕 Whoopee is going to the beach! Yay! 🎉 We're packing our luggage and we're ready to bring our fresh vibes to our favorite beach spot 🏖 Start to pack your swimsuit and sunscreen because our playground for the next Super Whoopee will be in sunny Costa da Caparica ☀️ For this special occasion we invited a local House Music queen, together with an old school cat that has been shaping the Miami sound since the early 90s and a rising star from Tbilisi, Georgia. LINE UP - M.Dusa 🐚 - Soulidan 🌊 - Ralph Falcon ☀️ 🗓 DATE Saturday the 13th of May 17:00 - 01:00 📍 Praia Irmão - Estr. da Praia do Castelo, 2825-308 Costa da Caparica Are you ready to dance barefoot in the sand and watch the sunset with your playmates? Join us for our hottest party to date 🥵 Love, Whoopee

Line up

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232 abonné·e·s
1 évènement
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772 abonné·e·s
11 évènements
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Estr. da Praia do Castelo, 2825-308 Costa da Caparica, Portugal