Thorofon + Blac Kolor // Urban Spree, Berlin

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À propos
aufnahme + wiedergabe presents Thorofon (live) [ant-zen] riot dictator electronics for musick wreckers Blac Kolor (live) [aufnahme + wiedergabe / ant-zen / Hands] Electronic Body Music / Industrial aufnahme + wiedergabe DJs krankpop: ANGOR - a sonic descent through anguish and relentless unease by THOROFON. ANGOR weaves a haunting tapestry of musical genres, threading together industrial power electronics, minimal electro and haunting dark ambient. this journey into the depths of sound evokes an unsettling sense of foreboding, as the atmosphere oscillates between icy, clinical disquiet and aggressive, heart-rending crescendos that drive the forceful lyrics straight into the core of your being. 'weltenbrand' is not a hopeful album. It begins with a glimmer of light, but ends in utter darkness. unlike anything before, BLAC KOLOR seamlessly transitions from being accessible and catchy in one track of the album to becoming as avant-garde and unapproachable as ever in the next moment. the world is burning on two fronts: on one hand, society is becoming increasingly brutal in its communicative interactions, social tensions are rising, new wars are driven by ideological and economic interests, and fear pervades. on the other hand, the world is literally burning – human ignorance, arrogance, convenience, and the pure greed for more are making the planet die faster and faster. perhaps it's already too late. Urban Spree (RAW-Area) Revaler Str. 99/Warschauer Str. 10245 Berlin
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