Underground Meco w Roy Rosenfeld - Day & Night

Underground Meco w Roy Rosenfeld - Day & Night

Cet évènement est terminé
211 sont intéressé·e·s
A eu lieu dim 26 juin 2022
Sesimbra Natura Park
EN 378 km 13.9, 2970-679, Portugal
Cet évènement est terminé


Sunset to sunrise. The UM experience is back at the stunning Sesimbra Natura Park, join the tribe for a memorable 14 hrs session of 1st class music in nature. Expect the classic UM vibes, freedom and an intimate atmosphere with the most sophisticated and mesmerising techno beats until dawn. Good and drinks from outside are not allowed. Respect nature, respect the venue, respect each other. Receive a free eco cup upon entry. Replacement 1€ non refundable. Free Yoga class from 15:00 to 15:45 by the lake for all tickets holders. As usual our capacity is limited in order to preserve the aura of our gatherings. Canoes available for hire throughout the afternoon under qualified supervision. UM food court open from 2pm. Food and drinks will be served throughout the night. We will dance outdoors under the stars, come prepared for all kinds of weather in order to ensure a comfortable ride. See you there with your best vibes 🚀🌳

Line up

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Underground Meco
Underground Meco
534 abonné·e·s
3 évènements
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EN 378 km 13.9, 2970-679, Portugal