OFF The Record

À propos

This third edition of OFF The Record takes place while Barcelona is experiencing a significant moment for its electronic music scene.
The soaring living costs that diminished the appeal of Berlin and the effects of Brexit on London, have reaffirmed our city as a preferred destination among the most recent wave of artists and industry professionals who decided to relocate here.
The underground electronic music scene in the city is thriving, evidenced by the emergence of new record shops, record labels, and small vinyl distributions.
However, much still needs to be done to foster the growth of the scene in a city lacking real support from authorities and in desperate need of more spaces and venues where underground music and its club culture can thrive.
In this context, we believe that projects like 'OFF The Record' are crucial and play a key role within the broader multi-scene club culture panorama of Barcelona."
As with past editions, the main goals of OTR are to promote vinyl culture within the context of live events, foster unity among promoters, club owners, artists, and label owners, create a cohesive local community, and emphasize the role played by people and brands that provide the technical means to experience vinyl under optimal sonic conditions.
We extend our gratitude to the Barcelona clubs that have embraced our project, contributing to its increasing popularity and to the international labels, artists and collectives that have joined our circuit of events, sharing our vision of helping define Barcelona's underground scene with a distinct identity.
And, of course, our deepest thanks to all the people attending and supporting OFF The Record from Wednesday, June 12th, to the morning of Monday, June 17th.

A rejoint Shotgun en 2023
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