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Zahra Mansoor
Zahra Mansoor

Zahra Mansoor

Zahra Mansoor

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Visual artist and curator based between Karachi and Paris

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À propos

Originally from Pakistan, Zahra Mansoor is an interdisciplinary artist who creates experiences that play with nostalgia, desire, and the idea of the lost home by merging the landscapes of the east and west. Mansoor has worked with the musée d'Orsay, the Karachi Biennale, the South Asian Womxn's Creative Collective in NYC, and her work has been covered by publications including Dawn EOS and Elle magazine. She has exhibited at manifold venues including the Fondation Fiminco, Chawkandi Karachi, the 59 Rivoli, and at her alma mater, Parsons.
A rejoint Shotgun en 2024