Zap Outdoorz
Zap Outdoorz
Zap Outdoorz

Zap Outdoorz

Zap Outdoorz

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À propos

ZAP outdoorz is a vessel for the essence of motion, a weekend dedicated to the joyous release of celebration, encapsulating the familial feeling of our community. We’re designed to intertwine the nature of the city scene with the natural world — to celebrate the spirit of the DMV by setting it against a natural landscape. ZAP outdoorz is an escape from the urban forest of skyscrapers and concrete streets, an away-weekend soundtracked by a fusion of inclusive dance music and house punk shows. We are ever-evolving, ever-reflecting the sound of the present moment, forever focused on staying intimate with a purposefully playful energy. Weekend highlights include a pool party takeover, lakeside tunes, DJs until sunrise, and punk bands smashed in the middle of it all. The ethos of ZAP is homegrown and handspun. (8/30) Friday - Music starts at 8pm and goes until 4am. (8/31) Saturday - Music starts at 12pm and goes until 6am. (9/1) Sunday - Music starts at 12pm and goes until 6am. Please head to our “INFO + RULES” section of our website to learn more about the festival.
A rejoint Shotgun en 2024