All Night Long : Baume X Love Soundsystem

Por Groom


• ALL NIGHT LONG : BAUME x LOVE SOUNDSYSTEM • Cure de plaisir et nuit festive. Optez pour un vendredi soir heureux avec le bien adoré Baume et des invités très spéciaux. Venez tôt - partez tard 9€ dès 23h00 • Baume (Lyon 🇫🇷) Véritable adepte de la selecta, Baume mixe et produit des sons house, disco et afro sans frontières. Ses compiles "Love Edit" rayonnent à travers le monde entier. • LOVE SOUNDSYSTEM (Milan, Italie) Love Sound System is a project of two long-time friends and DJs, Roberto and Riccardo. United by their love of music, in 2022, they decided to share their passion, creating an explosive duo that fuses sound from all over the world. Vinyls collectors, rarities’ selector and real dance floor lovers, their mixes are a sound journey that ranges from Disco to Afro-Beat, passing trough the various shades of House music and ending with Balearic and Downtempo rhythms, creating a worm and romantic atmosphere (and also a bit spicy eheheh). Their sounds, always highly appreciated, is taking them to share the console with the biggest artists on the scene and discover the best clubs in Europe.
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