Deep Exposure 006: Russell E.L. Butler {Open To Close}


Earthly resident Russell E.L. Butler graces the decks for another open to close sonic journey. -- ABOUT THE ARTIST:: Russell Ellington Langston Butler is a Black artist from Bermuda, living and working in New York City. Russell has painstakingly cultivated a unique artistic expression that integrates and investigates themes around process, technological innovation, the archive, and confrontation. Their works have taken the form of vinyl records, digital audio releases, live A/V performances, and special archiving projects. Deep Exposure is Russell's opportunity to share a style of playing that they have cultivated for 20 years. The Lot Radio show, and now, party are a demonstration of a focused listening practice. Informed by the work of Pauline Oliveros and Edward George, Russell selects songs that encourage listeners and dancers to be present and experience the delicate concert between organized sound and the music of the world around them. Deep Exposure is an expression of narratives that arise thru the sequencing of recorded music, poetry, and the occasional improvised live performance. I hope that you will join us for our journey into now.