Doctor Love - Zodiac Desires 🔼

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Samedi 11 janvier 2025, Doctor Love vous propose un tout nouveau thĂšme inĂ©dit : l’Astrologie et les Rencontres Astrales ! ✹À votre arrivĂ©e, choisissez un sticker astrologique (BĂ©lier, Balance, Scorpion
) et dĂ©couvrez vos affinitĂ©s avec les autres invitĂ©s. Le dĂ©cor, inspirĂ© des constellations, ajoutera une ambiance unique Ă  cette soirĂ©e dĂ©jĂ  culte ;) ▫ Un thĂšme et un dĂ©cor impressionnants! ▫ Dancefloor spacieux avec vue magique sur Paris et la Tour Eiffel! ▫ Grand espace extĂ©rieur idĂ©al pour s’aĂ©rer ou retrouver son date (+smoking area +Food Truck de qualitĂ©) ▫ SoundSystem L-Acoustics derniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ration, SystĂšme Light inĂ©dit, Unique Light Tree System Concept by Brazilian artist Guto Requena ▫ Mix Pop, Hits, Remix, Electro ▫ Espace bouteille avec grande baie vitrĂ©e vue Tour Eiffel (Ă  proximitĂ© de la scĂšne DJ) 🌟 SERVICE BOUTEILLES Envoyer VIPDL au 0660990808 (WhatsApp ou SMS de prĂ©fĂ©rence) pour connaitre les tarifs packs et rĂ©server / Ă  partir de 200€ (Table + Bouteille + 4 entrĂ©es + Espace dĂ©diĂ© + AccĂšs Prioritaire + Vestiaire Gratuit) đŸŽŸïž INFOS La direction se rĂ©serve le droit d'entrĂ©e. 23.00 – 06.00 / Instagram @limparis Everyone's welcome but please be aware that Doctor Love is mainly a đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ party 📍ACCÈS MĂ©tro : Porte de Versailles (entrĂ©e Ă  400m) 10 min du centre de Paris - Porte D Place des insurgĂ©s de Varsovie 75015 - Paris (Ă  proximitĂ© du Mama Shelter) / Uber: indiquez "T7" __________________________________ 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 ENGLISH 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Saturday, January 11, 2025, Doctor Love invites you to an all-new, exclusive theme: Astrology and Astral Connections! ✹ Upon arrival, pick your zodiac sticker (Aries, Libra, Scorpio
) and explore your affinities with other guests. The constellation-inspired decor will set the stage for a one-of-a-kind atmosphere at this already iconic party. ;) ▫ Spacious dancefloor overlooking Paris and its sparkling Eiffel Tower! ▫ Large outdoor area, ideal to get some fresh air or meet with your date (+smoking area +Food Truck!) ▫ Magnificent theme and scenery ▫ Innovative Light System (Unique Light Tree System Concept by Brazilian artist Guto Requena) ▫ Unique atmosphere ▫ Mix Pop, Hits, Remix, Electro (festival-type L-Acoustics sound-system, exclusively installed for the party) ▫ Bottle Service with bay window overlooking the Eiffel Tower (and close to the DJ Scene) 🌟 BOTTLE SERVICE Dedicated VIP Area with Bottle Service, directly close to the DJ Scene and central scene, overlooking Paris, Priority access and free coat check! +33660990808 (please send "VIPDL" on WhatsApp or Text to get our price list and book) đŸŽŸïž INFOS Everyone's welcome but please be aware that Doctor Love is mainly a đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ party 11PM – 06AM / Instagram @limparis 📍ACCESS Metro: Porte de Versailles (entrance 400m) 10 minutes only from the center of Paris - Porte D Place des insurgĂ©s de Varsovie - 75015 Paris (near Mama Shelter) / Uber: indicate “T7 Paris”