
⚡ HIGH VOLTAGE ⚡ Rock N Rol Dance Party Jan. 19th 8pm-late Free Electro Clash at Rash Cool kids with mohawks and leather jackets, dark sunglasses, goth vibes piercings all from different tribes. Gather together to dance to electroclash throwbacks from the past and in this new era we will mash together and fuse Rock N Roll DJs future and past. 🫰 This unique event combines: New York’s top-tier DJs Live guitarists and percussionists Shibari rope art performances Stand-Up comedians Go-Go dancers And much more! With disco tree, one of my goals is to bring all different communities together and blur the different genres because at the end of the day we all to rock our and have a good time. 😎 DJS Electroclash, live musicians, Go-Go! line up B@D D@D Electro Clash mash ups with teck house base house dark disco and more! Steen Guitarits and Rad DJ spining techno and other genres. Host of open Decks at Silo Brooklyn A DJ named ARI A dj named ari has been DJing since the 90s with S.P.A.Z. (Semi Permanent Autonomous Zone) & other crews including Honeybears, FIRE BOIZ NYC, & 51/50 at The Stud. catch a dj named ari at happyfun hideaway as half of AXID REFLEX Cook!3 High energy tenhno DJ spining fast heavey hits. She makes it METAL!!!