Out Of Ends Usa Dnb Tour Monroller, Rivibes, Martial Taktics


Join us February 29th for a massive night of Drum & Bass! We are stoked to welcome Monroller, Martial Taktiks and MC Rivibes to the states for their first stop of their USA Tour, right here in Fort Lauderdale. These 3 have been getting rowdy all over the UK, playing massive festivals like Boomtown, selective stops on the king of the rollers tour and we are honored to party with them on the first week of Fort Lauderdale spring break madness. Stacked support featuring local Dnb Producers Dan Wolfz & Fav Danko This show will sell out! Grab Those tickets ASAP
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Out Of Ends Usa Dnb Tour Monroller, Rivibes, Martial Taktics, Fort Lauderdale · Ingressos Shotgun