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Boogie Groove Entertainment Presents Parky Jobbins w/ The Bramblers | Polysanto | Wynslo GENRE Funk | Jam SUMMARY "In the verdant realms of The Promontory, where the emerald forests echo with the laughter of the fae and the melodies of the winds, there arose a legend as enchanting as the dawn's first light. This is the tale of Parky Jobbins, a wandering minstrel whose songs weave tales of valor and mirth, renowned for disc golf drives precise as a wizard's spell. Born beneath the boughs of an ancient green spruce, Parky's destiny is entwined with the very soul of The Promontory. From his earliest days, he displayed an affinity for both song and discs, drawing inspiration from the whispering winds and the murmuring streams. His melodies dance upon the air, enchanting all who hear them, while his throws soar through the canopy with a grace that seems almost otherworldly. But it is not merely his talents that make Parky Jobbins a figure of legend. No, it is the spirit of camaraderie that he embodies, the belief that music and sport can unite even the most disparate souls in blissful oneness. From the low-lying boglands, to the beaver ranches, and through the sacred hallow of The Owl’s Den he wanders, gathering a motley band of fellow travelers, each drawn to his magnetic presence. Flanked by his soul-bonded brothers Flip Hyzer, Skip Ace, and Shane Kithard, he roams the lands, spreading joy and harmony wherever he goes, his music echoing among the ancient pines as his discs carve arcs of glory across the sky. Yet, like all tales of heroism, theirs is not without its trials. Dark forces lurk in the corners of the forest, seeking to sow discord and despair. The Shadow Man, upon his foul and destructive Mean Machine, seeks to burn the beauty and peace that fills The Promontory. Jealous of this lush land and the connective life force of its inhabitants, The Shadow Man seeks to snuff out their harmonious and carefree existence. With music as their shield and disc golf as their sword, the forces of good assemble at The Owl’s Den to begin an epic journey to vanquish the darkness and usher in an unyielding era of peace and prosperity. And so, the legend of Parky Jobbins begins, a beacon of hope in a world beset by strife. His melodies forever lingering in the rustling leaves, his throws echoing in the rolling hills. For as long as there are hearts to be lifted and spirits to be united, the name of Parky Jobbins will live on, a testament to the power of music, sport, and the bonds that bind us all. If you listen closely, you’ll hear him soon… On Friday July 5th, the Parky Jobbins troupe of troubadours grows at Your Mom's House with the addition of the funky, spooky, and groovy, modern folk fusionists, The Bramblers, the incredible improvisationalists, Polysanto, and electronic musical wizard, Wynslo. Come join the fellowship with us all, and help us continue to lift the spirits through the power of song." TIME 8:00pm-2:00am Doors: 7:30pm AGE LIMIT 21+ ARTISTS Parky Jobbins The Bramblers Polysanto Wynslo NEWSLETTER GET INVOLVED MONTHLY ARTIST PLAYLIST